Your Baby is the size of a


At this point in pregnancy, it’s pretty common to experience Braxton Hicks contractions. It’s your body’s way of preparing for the real deal: labor and delivery. Your baby is the size of a bike helmet, and let’s face it, they’re running out of room! They keep their eyes closed most of the day; but when they’re open, they can track light inside of your womb. You’ve gained about 18 to 25 points, but don’t stress over this weight gain. You are beautiful!

Week 30

Length : 15.67 in.

Weight : 2.89 lb.

Week 30
Length : 15.67 in.
Weight : 2.89 lb.

Your Baby is the size of a


At this point in pregnancy, it’s pretty common to experience Braxton Hicks contractions. It’s your body’s way of preparing for the real deal: labor and delivery. Your baby is the size of a bike helmet, and let’s face it, they’re running out of room! They keep their eyes closed most of the day; but when they’re open, they can track light inside of your womb. You’ve gained about 18 to 25 points, but don’t stress over this weight gain. You are beautiful!

Your little one almost fills your entire uterine cavity. Their arms and legs are growing plumper via their continued growth of subcutaneous fat, and their eyelids are opening and closing. Your baby likely keeps their eyes closed most of the day, and when their eyes are open, they can track light inside of your womb (but not with 20/20 vision).

Lanugo will start falling off this week (that's the fine hair that once covered their body). In the coming weeks, the amniotic fluid volume in your belly will decrease as your baby gains weight and takes up more space.

At 30 weeks pregnant, it's pretty common to experience Braxton Hicks contractions. This is your body's way of preparing for the real deal – labor and birth. You may feel Braxton Hicks after exercising or having sex or when you're dehydrated or fatigued. Sitting or lying on your side is an excellent way to deal with these. Relax and drink water. If you have four contractions (or more) within an hour, call your midwife or doctor to make sure it isn’t preterm labor.

Your fundal height (the distance from the top of your uterus to your pubic bone) should be about 28 to 32 centimeters this week, and you should've gained about 18 to 25 pounds (or 25 to 40 pounds if you're having twins). Don't stress over this weight gain. It’s all part of the pregnancy package! You are beautiful.

Do you have heartburn this week? If you feel the burning, ask yourself: what did I eat? Foods commonly cause heartburn include greasy, spicy, heavy, or acidic foods. You should avoid these foods, especially before bedtime. And speaking of bedtime...

This week, you may also be experiencing strange dreams. This is likely due to your increased hormones (surprise, surprise!), as well as any anxiety you may have right now. The best thing you can do is consider what's giving you anxiety and work through it. Are you nervous about getting to the hospital or birth center on time? Do a dry run! You might also consider adopting some bedtime habits to help you relax your muscles, soothe your mind, and better prepare you for a good night's sleep. You might try stretching, meditation, a warm bath, writing in a journal, listening to mellow music, dimming the bedroom lights, and limiting your exposure to phone, computer, and television screens.         

Below is a list of pregnancy symptoms commonly experienced during week 30.

Swelling, or edema, in your ankles and/or feet: some swelling is normal and expected during pregnancy, especially if you are on your feet all day, but it’s best to keep an eye on any sudden changes. Talk to your healthcare provider if you are experiencing swelling, as this could be a warning sign of a dangerous complication called preeclampsia. 

Stretch marks and/or unwanted hair growth: as your baby continues to grow and your body grows to accommodate, your skin may experience stretching, leaving marks and causing discomfort. You may also notice hair growing in places it didn’t grow previously, or growing more aggressively than it did before. You can utilize lotions and creams to soothe irritated skin; but stretch marks are largely genetic and not something you should feel guilty for not “preventing”.  Unwanted hair growth can be shaved or plucked. Waxing may not be advisable during pregnancy and should be explored as an option with caution. 

Sweating: increased perspiration can be a result of hormonal changes, or the additional weight and pressure on your body as you carry your growing baby. Stay hydrated to replace any fluids lost. 

Heartburn: as your baby continues to grow and press on internal organs, your digestive system is likely to feel the impact of cramped quarters. This, paired with continuing hormone fluctuations can result in heartburn or indigestion. Talk to your medical care provider about options for relief if you’re feeling too uncomfortable.

Braxton Hicks: also referred to as “practice contractions” Braxton Hicks are your body’s way of preparing for giving birth. They are generally painless, or uncomfortable at most– like subtle period cramps. If you are experiencing severe pain, or the cramping does not stop– seek medical attention.

Tingling, numbness, or pain in your hands and wrists: possible warning signs for carpal tunnel syndrome, keep an eye on any numbness or pain in your hands and wrists and be sure your doctor is aware so they can rule out any concerns.

Bleeding and/or swollen gums: increased blood volume can make ruptures in sensitive places like the nasal membranes and gum line more likely. Dental health is critical during pregnancy, so you should continue to brush and floss– but take care to do so gently!

Interrupted sleep: trouble sleeping? It’s no surprise as midnight bathroom breaks, heartburn, leg cramps, and the stress of your soon-to-come newborn can all make it difficult to get a full night’s rest.

Backaches and/or leg cramps: aches and pains are an uncomfortable, albeit normal, part of pregnancy. Avoid staying in the same position for too long, stay hydrated, and talk to your doctor about safe pain relief options that may offer some comfort.

Crazy dreams: the stress of anticipating your baby’s arrival and the poor sleep of the third trimester can result in interrupted sleep. While the cause of the more vivid dreams in pregnancy is unknown it may have something to do with that interrupted sleep. Not sleeping as deeply may allow you to remember your dreams more easily. 

Fetal activity: your baby’s movements are becoming less responsive and more purposeful! As the part of their brain responsible for movement develops you may notice more patterns in when and how your baby moves.          

Forgetful is, as forgetful does. Mind fog is normal during pregnancy, especially so in the third trimester, no matter how organized you once were. This mental nonsense will improve after the birth of your baby. And in the meantime, try to find the humor in your forgetfulness. You should also consider keeping a notepad on-hand or adopt the use of a note-taking app on your cell phone. For the most important of your to-dos, set an alarm on your cell phone.

Thinking About Birth Options

Also, it's time to come to terms regarding if you'll use

pain medication during labor and delivery. Many parents opt for a natural childbirth - natural meaning without the use of any pain medication - and many parents opt for an epidural at the hospital. If you are interested in learning more about the various methods moms use to deliver naturally, research the Alexander Technique, the Bradley Method, Lamaze, waterbirth, and Hypnobirthing. If you are leaning towards hospital medications, such as a local anesthesia or another common medication used to reduce anxiety and ease or lessen the pain of contractions, you should include this in your birth plan.

Car Seat Options

Have you selected a car seat for your little one? The most common choice for the first car seat is the infant bucket seat. These seats are often sold as part of a traveling system, with a matching stroller. They are widely available and can range in price from around $70 to $300 (price is influenced by color choices, added features, and brand names). Infant bucket seats are rear-facing only, and have a weight limit of 22 to 30 lbs.

Alternatively, you can opt for a convertible car seat. These operate in rear-facing mode until the baby passes its height and weight limits, and then converts to a forward-facing seat. Using a convertible seat from the beginning means only purchasing one car seat, but it also means sacrificing the convenience of being able to move a sleeping baby from car, to stroller, to house, without disturbing your little one's slumber. You also may face difficulties with a convertible seat if you have a preemie, or low-birth weight baby.

Regardless, all car seats are required to meet minimum safety standards; so, no matter which type of seat you choose, it is a great idea to get your car seat and its installation checked by a certified car seat safety tech. Your hospital or local fire department should offer safety checks. To find an inspection location in your area, visit

And don't forget to write in your pregnancy journal!

At a Glance

  • Placenta after birth: There are a few options for your baby’s placenta after birth. Research them and consult your healthcare provider if you have questions.
  • “Bloody show”: Near the end of your pregnancy you may notice a large clump of thick discharge tinged with blood. This is your mucus plug and can signal labor is near, but not always.
  • Take a break: Fatigue may be ramping up again now that the second-trimester boost of energy is wearing off. Rest whenever you can!
  • Prenatal massage: Relieve third-trimester aches and pains with a certified prenatal massage.
3rd Trimester

The information on the Your Baby Club website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always discuss any health concerns with a qualified healthcare provider and carefully review all guidance that comes with any medications or supplements before taking.