
Baby Health & Safety

Your baby’s health and safety is your top priority regardless of what stage of the parenting journey you are in. This section includes top tips for caring for your child when they are sick, recognizing when an illness is serious enough to require help and baby first aid essentials that every parent should know.

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Some first aid essentials that all parents should have are a first aid kit, the ability to perform infant CPR, baby-friendly medications, and a baby thermometer. Having a first aid kit stocked with bandages, antiseptic cream, scissors, tweezers, and a thermometer is a must for any parent as well as knowing CPR. Knowing CPR and what to do if your child is choking are essential skills for parents. In the case of cardiac arrest, knowing CPR can save your baby's life, as well as knowing how to clear their airway if they are choking! Always keep baby-friendly medications on hand, such as an antihistamine for allergic reactions or pain relief for a fever. You never know when your baby will need these, and you don't want to be stuck without them. Not only should you keep a thermometer in your first aid kit, but it is also a good idea to invest in a good-quality one to monitor your baby's temperature.

During the postpartum period, it's common to experience a range of physical and emotional symptoms. Postpartum symptoms are so common that the first six weeks after giving birth is called the fourth trimester. Any symptoms you experience should gradually improve over these weeks, and it's important to be kind to yourself throughout this time. Here are some of the most common postpartum symptoms:

Gastroesophageal reflux (GER) is when stomach contents flow back into the esophagus. Spitting up after eating is normal for babies, but if it happens regularly, it may mean your little one suffers from baby reflux.

Reflux can happen in babies when the muscle that separates the stomach from the esophagus is not fully developed. This is common in growing babies, along with their esophagus being short and narrow to begin, leading to reflux.

You can ease your baby's reflux with feeding changes, medications, or thickened feedings, as well as postural changes such as keeping your baby's head up during and after feedings.

Rashes are common in babies, so although seeing a rash on your little one can be concerning, there is usually nothing to worry about. Here are some common rashes that your baby may develop:

Diaper rash: diaper rashes are one of the most common rashes a baby can develop and occur when their skin becomes irritated by the wetness or acidity of their dirty diaper. This rash is often red, scaly, or bumpy and is likely to occur on your baby's bottom, thighs, and genital area.

Cradle cap: cradle cap looks like a thick, crusty, or greasy patch located on your baby's scalp. This rash is most common in newborns and will typically clear up over several months. If your baby develops this scaly skin, continue to gently shampoo their scalp at bath time and massage it with baby oil or petroleum jelly.

Teething rash: irritation and inflammation may occur near your baby's mouth and chin as their teeth grow in through their gums. This rash is common and can look like red, raised bumps or patches of dry, flaky skin. Similar rashes can develop from food allergiesor other irritants, so check with your general practitioner if you are unsure what the cause of your little one's rash is.

Since babies have thinner and more sensitive skin than adults, it requires extra attention to prevent irritation, rashes, and other problems. Taking care of your little one's skin is a crucial aspect of being a new parent, so if you aren't sure where to start, we are here to guide you.

To keep your baby's skin healthy and happy, use gentle, fragrance-free products specifically designed for babies. Avoid using products meant for adults, especially ones containing harsh chemicals like parabens and sulfates. Simple is better, especially during the newborn stage, so keep it minimal.

As your baby develops and starts becoming mobile, there are many things you can do to limit the risk of any accidents occurring. We are here to provide tips on how to babyproof your house and ensure the safety of your little one. Once your baby starts scooting, crawling, or even attempting to stand up, you will quickly realize how many changes need to be made around your home since they will likely be grabbing at things and moving them around.

Identifying any safety hazards around the home is essential for creating a safe environment for your little one to learn and grow since they don't recognize things like sharp objects or hot surfaces as dangerous yet. Even if you have a constant set of eyes on your baby, we recommend baby proofing the home as early as you can!

To begin this process, bend down to your baby's level to understand what they see. Doing this will open your eyes to any objects that may spark curiosity in your little one. For starters, you will definitely want to ensure all electrical outlets are covered, smoke and carbon monoxide detectors have been installed, choking hazards are removed, and baby safety gates are secure at the top and bottom of any staircases. Once you have completed these basic steps, get started on individual rooms.

Your baby's nursery: Your baby's nursery is where they will likely spend the majority of their time, so baby proofing this room is vital. Starting with their crib, remove any objects that pose a risk for suffocation, including pillows, blankets, and stuffed animals. Once you transition your child to a toddler bed, ensure it is low or even a mattress on the floor. When deciding on a changing table for your baby's nursery, look for a sturdy table with at least two-inch guardrails on all sides to avoid them rolling off, and of course, never leave them on it unattended. When choosing storage options such as a toy box, many parents opt for ones without a lid or cover to prevent any fingers from getting trapped or pinched.

The kitchen: From toxic cleaning products to sharp utensils, the kitchen is a dangerous place for your baby to wander around in. Door latches are a great item to purchase to keep your child safe from any dangerous or breakable items. We recommend keeping any medications, breakable items, cleaning products, and sharp items in drawers or cabinets with door latches or safety latches. Knob covers are a great idea to prevent your little one from accidentally turning on the stove. When using the stove it is also a good idea to turn pot handles towards the back and use the back burners when possible. As always, unplug all appliances and store cords out of your child's reach when they are not being used. The bathroom: When buying door locks and safety latches for your kitchen, double up on them for your bathrooms too! Keep all cleaning products and medications locked up and out of your child's reach. At bathtime, check the temperature of the water before your child gets in and never leave them unattended. For additional safety, you can purchase a non-slip pad for the bottom of the tub and a cushioned cover for the faucet. Remember, your little one is curious about all kinds of things, so keep the toilet lid shut after use to prevent them from wanting to explore in there.