Your Baby is the size of a

Sweet Pea

Your little sweet pea, fully protected by amniotic fluid, is visible on an ultrasound. Your hormone levels are increasing and morning sickness is likely setting in. Listen to your food cravings, drink some ginger tea, and don’t be afraid to take it easy this week!

Week 6

Length : 0.23 in.

Weight : 0.007 oz.

Week 6
Length : 0.23 in.
Weight : 0.007 oz.

Your Baby is the size of a

Sweet Pea

Your little sweet pea, fully protected by amniotic fluid, is visible on an ultrasound. Your hormone levels are increasing and morning sickness is likely setting in. Listen to your food cravings, drink some ginger tea, and don’t be afraid to take it easy this week!

By the end of week six, your baby has a distinguishable head and trunk and is fully protected by amniotic fluid. Your little one's facial features are beginning to develop, appearing as indentations that will become eyes, ears, and mouth later in pregnancy. The larynx, or voice box, will also start to form this week.

Another fun fact? This week, an ultrasound would be able to detect your baby's heartbeat, just a tiny dot in the middle of this beautiful sweet pea you've grown, beating at a rate twice as fast (about 150 - 180 beats per minute) as the average adult's heart. An electroencephalogram (EEG) can monitor and detect your baby's brain activity now that the brain hemispheres are taking shape.

In addition to all these fantastic changes the week has produced, your little one's circulatory system is well established, and their digestive and respiratory systems are beginning to form. Arms and legs are beginning to form and look like tiny little paddles, and your baby's backbone has a small tail. (Don't worry, the tail will disappear in a few weeks.)         

This week, you may discover you've been bamboozled by this "morning sickness" business, which does not adhere to the morning hours. Many pregnant individuals discover their morning sickness is replaced by an afternoon or evening sickness. But if you find yourself growing more and more conversant with a forevermore sickness, a second cousin of morning sickness (thrice removed), there's a chance you might be pregnant with twins and experiencing twice the fun.

To help you manage the morning sickness, try
eating something bland, drinking ginger tea, or taking certain doctor-approved medicines. Experienced parents say it may help if you snack on high-protein snacks throughout your day because an empty stomach often triggers nausea.

Are you craving a specific type of food? Are new foods, or odd combinations of foods, suddenly calling out to you? This is normal, as are any newfangled aversions to the taste or scent of certain foods. Your partner's various smells can set off a bout of dry heaving unexpectedly.

At six weeks pregnant, and sometimes throughout early pregnancy, it can be normal to experience light spotting or cramping. Do not worry about complications, like miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy, unless you're experiencing brutal abdominal pain or cramping with it or if you discover the spotting has turned into more of a heavy period, as both are legitimate reasons to contact your midwife or doctor immediately.

Other expected changes to your body include swollen, tender breasts due to your ducts preparing for milk production and constipation, dehydration, and increased hormones. To minimize these changes, wear a more supportive bra, increase the amount of fiber in your diet, and drink fluids - especially water - throughout the day. No matter what, do not take laxatives to achieve a bowel movement without getting your midwife or doctor's approval first.         

If you're still waiting for your body to give you some of the telltale signs of pregnancy, try to relax, because you won't be waiting much longer. By week six, your body is likely experiencing any or all of the symptoms:

Positive home pregnancy test result: the pregnancy hormone, human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), is responsible for setting your pregnancy in motion and will be present in both your urine and blood. 

Morning sickness, nausea, or vomiting: this notorious pregnancy symptom can vary drastically from pregnancy to pregnancy and despite the name may not be limited to the morning hours. Nausea may or may not be accompanied by vomiting and can be triggered by hunger, strong smells… or at times seemingly nothing at all. 

Food cravings: while food aversions may have been making your life miserable, the (sometimes) upside is food cravings! You may find things tasting better than ever before, including strange combinations such as the famous ice cream and pickle number. If you find yourself craving non-nutritional items such as chalk, dirt, ice, or raw flour this could be a sign of a condition called pica. Be sure to let your doctor know right away.

Tender, swollen breasts: you may experience some sensitivity in your breasts and nipples as your body makes preparations for eventually producing breast milk. This process happens whether or not you decide to breastfeed and is just one example of how our amazing bodies are designed to care for our babies. 

Mood Swings: hormone fluctuations may leave you feeling extreme emotions from joy to irritation; sometimes switching without warning. If your reactions seem to be irrational, know that your growing baby may be the explanation.

Increased need to urinate: eventually the pressure of your growing baby may press on your bladder, but for now your little one is too small to press against your organs so you can thank hormones for this symptom.

Metallic taste in mouth: this symptom is called dysgeusia. While generally not a concern during pregnancy it is worth noting to your medical care provider as it could signal an underlying health condition. Most likely though, it only means that some of your favorite foods may taste a little funky for a while. 

Strange dreams: vivid dreams can be some of the more interesting pregnancy symptoms. While the cause is unknown it may have something to do with hormones or the fact that nausea or frequent urination means you are not sleeping as deeply and can remember your dreams more easily. 

Heartburn or indigestion: hormones are once again the culprit here. Progesterone causes your digestive system to slow down so nutrients can be more easily absorbed, but this can result in digestive discomfort including heartburn and indigestion.

Fatigue: Treat yourself to a nap! Making a baby is hard work. Even in the early weeks, you may find yourself exhausted. Be sure to listen to your body and get some rest whenever you can.

Headaches: common in early pregnancy, headaches are a painful, although generally harmless, symptom. Hormones are usually to blame for first-trimester headaches, but factors could also include being hungry, dehydrated, tired, or having low blood sugar. Take care to rest, drink plenty of water, and eat small frequent meals when you can.

Bloating, gas, or constipation: the hormone progesterone relaxes your muscles, including those found in your digestive system. This is so your body will have time to absorb the nutrients needed for your growing baby but may have the unfortunate side effects of bloating, gas, or constipation.         

Have you heard that pregnant individuals should not change cat litter? It may sound strange, but it's true. Changing cat litter may put you at risk for a parasitic disease called toxoplasmosis, which can cause pregnancy problems and serious birth defects.

The solution isn't to get rid of your cat! The most important thing to do is get someone else to change the litter box 
(we know how much you'll miss the daily scooping). If there isn't anyone else to do it for you, wear rubber gloves while you scoop and change it. And when you are done... wash your hands.

Another thing to pay particular attention to is eating uncooked meat and unwashed vegetables, because these can cause toxoplasmosis, too. To ensure you and your baby avoid toxoplasmosis, cook all meats thoroughly, wash every cutting board and utensils that come in contact with the raw meat, and scrub your vegetables well before eating them.

Preparing For Your First Appointment

It's time to prepare for your first prenatal doctor visit.

It will probably take place at some point between weeks 8 and 10 of pregnancy. It doesn't matter if you are seeing a new doctor or remaining with your regular OB, as long as you're receiving regular prenatal care. Your health should be one of your highest priorities. Ask questions and do your research to ensure you enjoy the healthiest pregnancy possible. Expect the midwife or doctor's office to ask you for a lot of information, such as your personal and family history of any past conditions or problems that could threaten your pregnancy.

They will want to know when you last had your period and any pregnancy symptoms you're experiencing. They may take a urine sample, or a blood sample if procedure calls for it. They will give you a routine exam, and possibly an ultrasound (which is a painless and noninvasive). If they use an early ultrasound, it will be performed trans-vaginally. This means a wand is inserted into your vagina and emits sound waves. These waves then bounce off the fetus to create a beautifully clear image, which is normally displayed on an ultrasound monitor. The ultrasound will help your midwife or doctor confirm a normal pregnancy – or multiple pregnancies!

As well as identify the age, heart rate, and due date of your little one
(s). The ultrasound will help them to rule out potential complications, like an ectopic pregnancy, and examine the health of your pelvis, placenta, and uterus. If an early ultrasound is not performed, it is nothing to worry about, many community midwives do not routinely have early ultrasounds performed, but if it is something you are wanting, be sure to ask about it.

At some point during this first appointment, your midwife or OB doctor should provide you with information about the various screening tests available. These tests detect certain complications, diseases, and abnormalities. Don't make any on-the-spot decisions about which tests you do or don't want. Instead, go home and think about it.

Talk with your partner. Do more research. Talk to experienced parents and other parents-to-be. This appointment is also an opportunity to ask your doctor which foods,
activities, and medications are safe, and which are not, during pregnancy. If you have questions about your diet and weight gain, want a prescription for prenatal vitamins, or think of any other questions and concerns, ask them while you are there.

If you forget and think of more afterwards, simply keep a tiny notebook in your bag and jot down each question as it comes to you, for your next appointment. 
If the question is urgent, call your midwife or doctor's office. They want to help you.

At a Glance

  • Listen to your (baby’s) heart: Your baby’s heartbeat is beginning to beat and may be detectable during your next ultrasound!
  • Early symptoms: If they haven't hit yet, you may begin to notice some nausea, fatigue, or mood swings appearing this week.
  • Spotting: You may experience some light bleeding this week. Check with your healthcare provider to make sure it’s normal.
  • Frequent urination: Increased blood flow means your kidneys have more to process and urine production surges.
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1st Trimester

The information on the Your Baby Club website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always discuss any health concerns with a qualified healthcare provider and carefully review all guidance that comes with any medications or supplements before taking.