Your Baby is the size of a


Your little one is slowly moving into the head-down position, for birth, and the bones in their skull are fully formed, but not fused. Are you feeling this need to prepare? You’re nesting! Use this gorgeous energy to pack your hospital bag. If you think you may want a birthing ball, call and ask your hospital or birthing center if they have any on hand and available for you.

Week 33

Length : 17.17 in.

Weight : 4.19 lb.

Week 33
Length : 17.17 in.
Weight : 4.19 lb.

Your Baby is the size of a


Your little one is slowly moving into the head-down position, for birth, and the bones in their skull are fully formed, but not fused. Are you feeling this need to prepare? You’re nesting! Use this gorgeous energy to pack your hospital bag. If you think you may want a birthing ball, call and ask your hospital or birthing center if they have any on hand and available for you.

The bones in your little one's skull are fully formed but not fused. The bones of a human skull do not fully fuse until early adulthood to allow some room for the brain to grow throughout childhood and adolescence. More importantly, this lack of fusion, often referred to as the soft spot, allows your baby's cranial and facial bones to overlap and fit through the birth canal during delivery.

Your baby is likely in a head-down and ready-to-go position or will be soon. They are working their way down to your pelvis, gaining about half a pound and drinking about half a pint of amniotic fluid every week!

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By week 33, there is a lot more baby and a lot less fluid inside of you, making those little kicks and jabs much stronger than they used to be. You probably gain about a pound a week, and everything feels swollen. Remember this: you're almost there!

Between nighttime bathroom runs, a huge belly, fetal movements, muscle cramps, sweating, swelling, and crazy dreams, you're probably feeling quite exhausted. Why is this, you wonder? It's simple. You are not getting enough sleep. But you need sleep. Try to make yourself as comfortable as possible. As your evening ends, take a hot shower or warm bath. Listen to light, calming music. Write out the next day's to-do list, and then leave the pen and paper at your bedside if you think of any additions later. Add a light blanket to your bedding and make your bedroom cooler. Mix a few drops of lavender essential oil with water in a spray bottle and lightly mist your bedding and pillows.

Turn any electrical device's display screen lights to face away from the bed or cover them with black electrical tape. Before getting into bed, stretch your legs - specifically your calves, thighs, quads, knees, ankles, and toes. Your pregnant body needs you to get more sleep, and so does your growing baby.

Pregnancy is exhausting, but when you hold that little baby, you'll realize it was all entirely worth it. Here is a list of symptoms you may experience during week 33.

Outie belly button: If you had an “innie” belly button before pregnancy it is possible that it has turned into an “outie” with your expanding middle!

Larger feet: hormones causing your ligaments to relax are not limited to your abdomen. Some individuals have reported noticing their shoe-size increase with pregnancy. This may be a temporary change, or your new normal. Either way- time to go shoe shopping!

Stretch marks, itchy or dry skin, and/or unwanted hair growth: as your baby continues to grow and your body grows to accommodate, your skin may experience stretching, leaving marks and causing discomfort. You may also notice hair growing in places it didn’t grow previously, or growing more aggressively than it did before. You can utilize lotions and creams to soothe irritated skin; but stretch marks are largely genetic and not something you should feel guilty for not “preventing”.  Unwanted hair growth can be shaved or plucked. Waxing may not be advisable during pregnancy and should be explored as an option with caution. 

Swelling, or edema, in your ankles and/or feet: some swelling is normal and expected during pregnancy, especially if you are on your feet all day, but it’s best to keep an eye on any sudden changes. Talk to your healthcare provider if you are experiencing swelling, as this could be a warning sign of a dangerous complication called preeclampsia. 

Sweating: increased perspiration can be a result of hormonal changes, or the additional weight and pressure on your body as you carry your growing baby. Stay hydrated to replace any fluids lost. 

Heartburn: as your baby continues to grow and press on internal organs, your digestive system is likely to feel the impact of cramped quarters. This, paired with continuing hormone fluctuations can result in heartburn or indigestion. Talk to your medical care provider about options for relief if you’re feeling too uncomfortable.

Braxton Hicks: also referred to as “practice contractions” Braxton Hicks are your body’s way of preparing for giving birth. They are generally painless, or uncomfortable at most– like subtle period cramps. If you are experiencing severe pain, or the cramping does not stop– seek medical attention.

Bleeding and/or swollen gums: increased blood volume can make ruptures in sensitive places like the nasal membranes and gum line more likely. Dental health is critical during pregnancy, so you should continue to brush and floss– but take care to do so gently!

Frequent nighttime wakings: between getting up to use the bathroom, leg cramps, shortness of breath, and even heartburn– you may be struggling to get a decent amount of sleep during the night. 

Backaches and/or leg cramps:  aches and pains are an uncomfortable, albeit normal, part of pregnancy. Avoid staying in the same position for too long, stay hydrated, and talk to your doctor about safe pain relief options that may offer some comfort.

Crazy dreams: the stress of anticipating your baby’s arrival and the poor sleep of the third trimester can result in interrupted sleep. While the cause of the more vivid dreams in pregnancy is unknown it may have something to do with that interrupted sleep. Not sleeping as deeply may allow you to remember your dreams more easily. 

Fetal activity: your baby’s movements are becoming less responsive and more purposeful! As the part of their brain responsible for movement develops you may notice more patterns in when and how your baby moves.          

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), it only takes five minutes per day during the final weeks of pregnancy to prevent trauma and tearing to your perineal tissues during childbirth, and to decrease your chances of an episiotomy. How? By doing perineal massages.

Perineal Massages

A perineal massage entails gentle, manual stretching of the perineal tissues lining the birth canal. Perineal tears and episiotomies (which require stitches) are painful to recover from and may leave scarring. They may also cause you to battle urinary and fecal incontinence for many years! When you look at it that way, maybe you should give perineal massages a try. If you're uncomfortable doing this yourself, ask your partner for help. Any comfortable position will do, just make sure hands are washed and fingernails are nice and short, before getting started. Another great tip is to do perineal massage after an orgasm, as there will be similar blood flow to your vaginal canal as in labor.

By week 33, you may hear little whispers behind your back, saying, "they are nesting!" If you're suddenly determined to take every item out of your kitchen cabinets to clean and disinfect all surfaces, or reorganizing closet spaces, this is totally normal. And yes, it's nesting. This impulsive need to pack away unused items and clean the world is your maternal instincts taking over and driving you to create a clean, safe, organized place for your baby. You are powerless to resist this.

If you are starting to feel this drive - this need to prepare - use that gorgeous energy to pack your hospital bag! Even if you are not planning to give birth there, having it ready in the case of a change of plans is a great idea. There's no need to get carried away, you aren't moving into the hospital. You're just popping by for a quick visit. If you want a birthing ball or another type of birthing prop, call the hospital and ask if they have those items on hand and available for you. If they don't, you'll need to add it to your packing list.

The items you should pack in your overnight hospital bag include insurance info and identification, hair ties, toiletries, Chapstick, music, camera/cellphone, cell phone charger, a item that brings you a sense of calm (like a blanket, photo, pillow, gemstone, talisman, etc.), comfortable socks and nursing bra, one set of comfortable pajamas or maternity yoga pants and a light top (you can always opt to wear the hospital's gown), nursing pillow, clothes to wear home (for both you and your little one!), lanolin, baby cap and mittens, car seat, and a baby blanket. The hospital will have disposable undies and pads. Believe us when we say you will love their undies. Ask for a few extra to take home with you. Trust us. You'll be so happy!

Don't forget to write in your pregnancy journal this week!

At a Glance

  • Water Breaking: Your water probably won’t break until right before birth (if at all), but researching what to expect is a great idea.
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome: Wrist pain or numbness could signify carpal tunnel. Talk to your doctor if you are concerned.
  • Swollen lady-bits: Because of increased blood circulation, you may notice your labia becoming swollen. Try to change positions frequently to minimize discomfort.
  • Car Seat: Having an infant car seat ready and properly installed in your vehicle now can relieve stress when it comes time to bring your baby home.
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3rd Trimester

The information on the Your Baby Club website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always discuss any health concerns with a qualified healthcare provider and carefully review all guidance that comes with any medications or supplements before taking.