Your Baby is the size of a


If you aren’t feeling very sensual and sexy time has taken a backseat, this is as normal as it is different for everyone. Feeling nauseous and exhausted can make it hard to get into the mood, but don’t worry. Most pregnant women feel that lovin’ feeling return in the second trimester, which is right around the corner. For now, take it easy and get those naps in when you can!

Week 11

Length : 1.61 in.

Weight : 0.25 oz.

Week 11
Length : 1.61 in.
Weight : 0.25 oz.

Your Baby is the size of a


If you aren’t feeling very sensual and sexy time has taken a backseat, this is as normal as it is different for everyone. Feeling nauseous and exhausted can make it hard to get into the mood, but don’t worry. Most pregnant women feel that lovin’ feeling return in the second trimester, which is right around the corner. For now, take it easy and get those naps in when you can!

Growing oh-so fast and instantly, all you can think about is your LEGO-sized (or fig-sized, if you please) bun in the oven. This week, your little one is engaging in some serious acrobatic kicking and stretching inside your womb. However, it will still be a few more weeks before any of this moving around is felt. Many expectant parents will feel these little movements around week 16.

Your baby's still paper-thin and transparent skin forms a protective barrier around the body. Tiny fingers and toes have begun to separate into unique extremities, and cute little fists are starting to open and close.

The first signs of teeny tiny teeth will also appear this week as tiny tooth buds begin to form under the gums. Your little one may even have their first case of the hiccups as the diaphragm develops.

This week, there's a great chance your morning sickness and fatigue are finally subsiding. If not, they should be within the next couple of weeks. And don't worry if you haven't gained much weight yet. Most pregnant individuals only gain between zero and five pounds throughout their first trimester. Still, as your nausea continues to wane in the coming weeks, your healthy appetite will return! Just know you'll gain plenty of weight in your second trimester - about a pound a week!

As your appetite returns, it's essential to watch what you eat. Below, you will find a list of foods to avoid during pregnancy.

  • Unpasteurized cheese and milk
  • Cold deli meats (cold cuts)
  • Raw or undercooked fish (including uncooked, smoked, or pickled fish or shellfish)
  • Shark, swordfish, king mackerel, and golden or white snapper (aka tilefish)
  • Refrigerated pate
  • Unwashed vegetables
Seafood is a good source of protein and the primary source of omega-3 fatty acids, which support the development of your baby's vision and brain. Luckily, many fish, including shrimp, crab, cod, clams, scallops, canned LIGHT tuna, canned salmon, pollock, and catfish, are considered safe during pregnancy. However, you should not consume more than twelve ounces of commercially caught fish per week, with no more than six ounces of this being from albacore (white) tuna or tuna steaks. Just like shark or king mackerel, the mercury content in albacore tuna and tuna steaks is potentially high enough to cause harm to your child's developing brain.         

We know how difficult it is to summon a sense of calmness about you right now, with hormones swinging you to and fro amongst stinky smells and an unruly urge to dry heave. But as your first trimester comes to an end, so too will the worst of your pregnancy symptoms. This week, you're likely to feel some, or all, of the symptoms listed below.

Darkening skin: hyperpigmentation is a common symptom during pregnancy. It can occur at any point, but generally appears gradually. While most skin changes are normal during pregnancy, always check with your healthcare provider to be sure there’s nothing to be concerned about. 

Leg Cramps: increased blood volume and stress from increasing weight can put pressure on your leg muscles, causing cramps. Dehydration or low calcium may also be to blame, so check your prenatal vitamin to be sure you are getting enough!

Swollen, tender breasts: you may experience some sensitivity in your breasts and nipples as your body makes preparations for eventually producing breast milk. This process happens whether or not you decide to breastfeed and is just one example of how our amazing bodies are designed to care for our babies. 

Morning sickness, nausea, and/or vomiting: this notorious pregnancy symptom can vary drastically from pregnancy to pregnancy and despite the name may not be limited to the morning hours. Nausea may or may not be accompanied by vomiting and can be triggered by hunger, strong smells… or at times seemingly nothing at all. 

Excess saliva: Increased saliva is called “ptyalism” and can sometimes even taste bitter. The volume and flavor of this first trimester spit can sometimes serve as an additional trigger for nausea and vomiting. 

Lower back and/or round ligament pain: later in pregnancy the pressure and weight of your growing baby may lead to back and ligament pain. During the first trimester, the culprit is most likely hormonal changes causing your ligaments to relax and stretch, straining your lower back and pelvis. Rest is the best solution for round ligament pain, but talk to your healthcare provider if you are experiencing continuous pain that is not stopping. 

Visible veins: increased blood flow may result in more pronounced veins. Some individuals will even experience what are known as varicose or spider veins, which may be unsightly, itchy, or even painful. Changing positions frequently, avoiding sitting or standing for long periods of time, and not crossing your legs may all help avoid the formation of varicose veins. 

Mood swings: hormone fluctuations may leave you feeling extreme emotions from joy to irritation; sometimes switching without warning. If your reactions seem to be irrational, know that your growing baby may be the explanation.

Vaginal discharge: increased vaginal discharge during pregnancy is called leucorrhoea. This symptom can serve as a protection for your growing baby as it prevents infection from traveling up the vagina and into the womb. You can wear a panty liner if it makes you more comfortable, but do not use tampons or insert anything into your vagina during pregnancy.  

Heartburn and/or indigestion: Increased levels of progesterone cause your digestive system to slow down so nutrients can be more easily absorbed, but this can result in digestive discomfort including heartburn and indigestion. Talk to your medical care provider about options for relief if you’re feeling too uncomfortable.

Constipation, bloating, and/or gas: like heartburn, hormonal changes that slow digestion can also trigger constipation, bloating, and/or gas. Take care to stay hydrated, up your fiber intake, and talk to your doctor if you are still experiencing constipation.

You're getting dressed for the day and sliding your favorite fitted jeans over your hips, but when you go to button them, there's a small problem. Those perfect pants, which have never before failed you, suddenly don't fit. Sure, you can try to suck it in for now, hope for the best. And when that fails, use the spare hair tie you will now and forevermore have on hand to thread through the hole and latch around the button.

If lunch has come and gone, and your slightly too-fitted, yet perfect pants from this morning now feel like they are cutting off your circulation, no spare hair tie in sight, don’t panic! You are not hurting the baby. See if you can find a rubber band, or ask a friend for a hair tie, or hurry to your car, get safely buckled in, and then unbutton those pants that will no longer do. We won't tell anyone how you let it all hang out on your drive home. Also, maybe it is time to start thinking about maternity clothes.

If you are looking to wear your regular clothes for a while longer, consider purchasing a belly sleeve or band. It’s essentially a stretchy ring of fabric that fits over your stomach and the top of your pants, allowing you to wear your regular pants while holding your unbuttoned trousers in place. Feel free to get creative and experiment with your own clothing too. A stretchy cotton tube top may work the same way. You'll also commonly find that friends who aren't currently pregnant, but plan to be again, are willing to loan their maternity clothes out in the interim.

If you borrow from someone, be sure to remember what belongs to them and whether or not they want it back. Keep in mind, as you shop, that you will get bigger. Don't buy everything early on, because you'll find that the shirts, which seem like massive tents right now, may barely cover your belly a few months from now. Just like your tummy, your wardrobe needs room to grow!

Remember to take your prenatal vitamins, and eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, and protein.         

At a Glance

  • Growth spurt: To accommodate your baby’s growth, the placenta will be increasing the size and number of blood vessels used to provide nutrients.
  • Plan your announcement: You may be considering if and when to announce your pregnancy. It’s a personal decision, so don’t feel pressured!
  • Baby bump: Even if you don’t announce yet, your expanding belly may begin to give you away!
  • Build your village: If you don’t have any parenting friends, now is a great time to start finding a community to have throughout your pregnancy and beyond.
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1st Trimester

The information on the Your Baby Club website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always discuss any health concerns with a qualified healthcare provider and carefully review all guidance that comes with any medications or supplements before taking.