Pregnancy brain is something that we hear about frequently, but what is it, is it even real, and are there things we can do to avoid it? Pregnancy brain is such a shared experience that 50-80% of pregnancy individuals report having dealt with it during their pregnancy at some point or another.
What Causes Pregnancy Brain?
As with most pregnancy symptoms, pregnancy brain or brain fog is typically caused by the influx of hormones that flood your body and your brain. Other significant contributors to the why behind pregnancy brain include things like lack of sleep, distraction, and stress. The good news is that anyone who has ever been pregnant can relate to this experience, and you will likely be let off the hook because we all get it!
What Can You Do?
Some things can help with pregnancy brain, and remember that sometimes none of these things help, and we all somehow survive it.
My first tip is to get a good amount of sleep. Sleep deprivation helps with nothing. It creates brain fog, worsens or brings on more depression and anxiety, and can cause physical ailments as well. Sometimes, sleep can be difficult during pregnancy, so if you are struggling with that, you can find a few articles that discuss how to improve that area of your pregnancy.
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Get Moving
Another tip would be to move your body every day. I know you've heard it all before, but moving your body helps with memory, stress reduction, and sleeping better at night. Building a strong support system and utilizing said support system is another helpful way to handle the pregnancy brain.
Ask for Help
I find that our pregnancy ailments are often trying to communicate something to us, and with pregnancy brain, a lot of times, your body simply wants you to ask for help and receive it. If asking for help is hard for you, start with small things like a dinner when your family gets the flu, a friend watching your kiddo for your doctor's appointment, etc. You can then ask for more of your needs as your pregnancy progresses. My best advice here? People want to help; tell them how.
Utilize Advice
People who live with ADHD or ADD have great tips for foggy brain and memory loss, and it is often referred to as hacking your brain! I love this, and it also applies to the pregnancy brain. Some of these hacks might include keeping a calendar that has all of your events logged into it with reminders an hour or two before the event and maybe again thirty minutes before or when you need to leave the house. Another great piece of advice would be to make notes on sticky notes and stick them everywhere, or make notes on your phone app that you can refer back to. You could also try taking photos of where you parked, where you are putting your keys, or even the event address you need to head to soon. These can all make for great little reminders throughout your day. If none of these are helping, follow some ADHD influencer accounts, and you will find even more great ways to hack your brain.
Find Brain-Boosting Apps
If you are looking for some active things you can be doing, I love that there are some brain-boosting apps with fun little games to get your brain going. I highly recommend using these apps rather than scrolling; they do a lot more for encouraging your brain rather than causing more brain fog or pregnancy brain than you were having before.
Take Omega-3
Another excellent recommendation would be to take Omega-3s during your pregnancy. These fats help with brain fog; they can also help with a baby's development and other health symptoms! I used them for my last pregnancy and felt a huge difference, so much so that I continued to take them into my postpartum.
Be Kind to Yourself
Lastly, I recommend giving yourself grace because you deserve love and support as you experience pregnancy and its ups and downs. I remember forgetting a key to somewhere an hour away and having to return home, grab it, and return to that house. I was devastated, but my partner reminded me that nobody was hurt or harmed and that things happen. He peppered me with hugs and kisses and reminded me to speak kindly to myself. Sometimes, pregnancy brain is super inconvenient and frustrating, and it is okay. Typically, the pregnancy brain begins to fade as your baby gets bigger and you get out of pregnancy and immediately postpartum. I will be honest: I still have mom brain sometimes, but now that my kids are older, we are all sleeping better, and I do not have to be constantly "on" with my mom brain; I am having a lot less of these foggy weird moments and a lot more clarity.
Remember that the days are long, but the years are short. Pregnancy brain is frustrating and not the most enjoyable pregnancy side effect, but like other ailments, it too shall pass. Big hugs to yourself as you go through silly mess-ups here and there. We are all just doing the best we can, and you are doing the best you can while carrying and growing a little baby—that's impressive!